Spring Musical Performance: L.O.S.T.
All students and staff worked extra hard on our spring musical performance. And it paid off! The set and costumes were amazing, and the kids had a lot of fun acting, dancing and singing in L.O.S.T.
In the musical, the S.S. Hope, its personnel and passengers become stranded on a deserted island. Trying to find food, water and a way home, the colourful group must decide which of the 4 paths to take. The island natives help them along the way, not only with their needs but also by reminding them that the “LORD has a plan for all things”. Of course, there was lots of upbeat singing, dancing and fun along the way!
The musical was a true delight for friends and family who attended. It was a blessing to see staff, students and parent volunteers work together to make this performance such a success. And what a reminder for our small but mighty school: The LORD has a plan for all things!
The Kindergarten class dressed up as the Fruit of the Spirit for their song:
A lovely duet by Peyton & Elizabeth:
A fantastic dance routine by senior students Tyrel, Noah, Lindsay & Leah:
And awesome singing from all the students:
The set decorations even included a plank walkway outside!