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Global Leadership Summit!

By Heidi Blokland

Global Leadership Summit! by Heidi Blokland

Two days of inspiration and encouragement and learning. Two days of thinking about how to be the leader that God has called us to be in this broken world. That is what the Global Leadership Summit is.

I just attended my first summit and thoughts are spinning and swirling around. I have been inspired and challenged to consider what leadership is and how we are to lead. For 2 days we listened to some amazing speakers who shared with us their story and how to be influential and passionate leaders.

The Global Leadership Summit comes from the Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago, led by Bill Hybels.

Let me share with you a little of what I learned from one of the speakers.

Angela Duckworth spoke to us about Grit. Grit is sustained passion and perseverance for a goal. She has done a lot of research on grit and how it affects performance and she said that people with grit do better. They quit things less, persevere more and the achieve better results.

She said that we can build grit by paying attention to these 4 things.

Develop your interests before training your weaknesses. Interests are the seed of passion. Notice what your children are interested in and provide them with opportunities to develop those interests.

Know the science of deliberate practice. To develop and grow we have to be willing to work hard, even when it is frustrating. Deliberate practice means that we set goals, focus 100% on our goals, get feedback about how we are doing, and reflect and refine our practice. And then we repeat the process!

Cultivate purpose. We need to know why we are doing what we are doing and in the end it needs to be about helping others, about service.

Develop a Growth Mindset. We need to have a mindset that we can grow and learn, that our effort makes a difference and that challenges are to be embraced.

We want our students to be gritty, to not give up, to keep trying and learning and growing and becoming the person God has created them to be.

I am blessed to have gone to the summit. I was reminded again and again to be brave and courageous, that the work God calls us to is hard. But God is with us, in fact he holds us and asks us to trust him, because everything we do is all about him and his kingdom.